There are two parts to achieving this badge. Complete all tasks for part one.
Part 1
- Use a bicycle that is properly equipped. Keep it in good working order for at least six months.
Show that you can carry out essential maintenance and repairs, including:
- checking and adjusting the brakes
- checking and adjusting the gear change
- adjusting the seat and handlebars to a correct height
- removing a wheel and locating and repairing at puncture
- checking and adjusting your cycle helmet
- maintaining a set of lights.
Part 2
For part two of this activity badge, choose one of these options then complete all the tasks for that option.
Option 1: road cycling
You can automatically complete option 1 if you gain Bikeability Level 2 or 3. Otherwise, here’s what you need to do for this option.
- Explain what extra precautions you should take when cycling in the
- dark or in wet weather. Show you understand why motor vehicles take longer to stop in the wet.
- Learn the basics of first aid and what to do if an accident happens.
- Develop a working knowledge of map reading. Orientate a map using a compass or conspicuous features. Estimate distances and times taken to travel.
- Plan and carry out an all-day cycle ride of at least 40 kilometres (25 miles).
Complete one of these:
- Show you can control a cycle along a slalom course.
- Show you understand the Highway Code, including road signs and helmet use.
Option 2: off-road cycling
- Show you understand the Mountain Bike Code of Conduct.
- Show you can control your cycle over different types of terrain.
- Show you’re aware of the damage that may be caused to the environment through careless cycling across the countryside.
- Learn the basics of first aid, including the treatment of hypothermia and find out what to do in the case of an accident.
- Gain a working knowledge of map reading. Orientate a map using a compass or conspicuous features. Estimate distances and times taken to travel.
- Plan and carry out an all-day ride of at least 30 kilometres (20 miles).
Option 3: external qualifications
You can complete option 3 if you reach one of these standards:
The Gold Trix Award of the British Schools Cycling Association
Level 3 Go-MTB Award from Cycling Scotland, Sustrans, CTC or Scottish Cycling MBLA.