If you hold The Scout Association’s Personal or Leadership Activity Permit for Power Boating or Personal Watercraft (Jet Ski), a Leadership Permit for Narrow Boating or Motor Cruising or the RYA Level 2 Powerboat Award, you automatically gain this badge.
You can complete the steps using a powerboat, narrow boat, motor cruiser or on a personal watercraft.
If not, here’s what you need to do.
Choose and identify the boat you will use.
Choose the waters you will visit.
Identify the features and hazards of this water.
Learn what the rules are for boating on the water you’re using.
Wear the proper clothing and make sure you have the correct equipment for your craft.
Complete the following steps under proper supervision:
Young people must be appropriately supervised by an activity permit holder or a qualified external instructor. You must follow the activity rules in the Policy and Organisation Rules.